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The Client Management Template Pack

Want to handle sticky client situations (and simple project stages) with finesse?

What it is:

A collection of 51 emails that our team uses for every stage of the copywriting process (tweaked for solopreneurs). 

If you ever wondered what to email when... 

  • your client comes late to a Zoom meeting
  • you send a proposal and don't hear back 
  • your client asks to "hop on a call" with you (again 😣) 
  • your client wants you to just do XYZ that's out of the project scope...

then these templates will save you HOURS of drafting emails. 

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“Saves me hours of work”

This email template pack is so comprehensive and valuable. Having bought most, if not all of Michal's resources, I'd say this one might be the highest-value product she's put out to date in terms of hours of work saved.

Adam Kirsch, AK Copywriting

Want to handle sticky client situations (and simple project stages) with finesse?

What it is:

A collection of 51 emails that our team uses for every stage of the copywriting process (tweaked for solopreneurs). 

If you ever wondered what to email when... 

  • your client comes late to a Zoom meeting
  • you send a proposal and don't hear back 
  • your client asks to "hop on a call" with you (again 😣) 
  • your client wants you to just do XYZ that's out of the project scope...

then these templates will save you HOURS of drafting emails. 

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“Saves me hours of work”

This email template pack is so comprehensive and valuable. Having bought most, if not all of Michal's resources, I'd say this one might be the highest-value product she's put out to date in terms of hours of work saved.

Adam Kirsch, AK Copywriting

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Want to nail your proposal — even if it’s your first?
Unsure what to include (or remove) from your proposal?

The Ultimate Proposal Template

What it is:

An easy-to-follow guide for creating proposals that impress...and convert (so you can build your own template to use again and again — without starting from scratch).


  • The 8 must-have sections of a complete, winning proposal (so you don’t leave anything out that your client expects)
  • Detailed breakdown + specific samples for every section (so you know exactly what it could look & sound like)
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“Saved time, boosted confidence, and presented professionally”

Prior to using this template my process was very informal, with details exchanged in multiple emails or too many conversations. The Proposal Template saved me time and boosted my confidence, allowing me to present a comprehensive overview to potential clients in a polished, professional way. I also love the way the template encouraged me to include social proof in the proposal (the "Why Work With Me" page), as this is not something I would have ever thought of doing prior to using the template. It’s yet another amazing tool from Michal that allows me to 'work smarter, not harder' as I establish myself in the world of copywriting.

Sara Anderson

Want to interview your client’s customers, but not sure what to ask?

Want to squeeze the most out of the interview — without embarrassing yourself (or your client)? 🙈

Want to avoid the dreaded “yes, it was great!!” response — and get AKSHUALLY golden lines you can use in your copy? 

The Complete Customer Interview Template

What it is:

A customizable 33-question template that’s been refined over years — and dozens of clients — so you have a tried-and-true set of questions to work off.


  • Clear explanations of the reasoning behind each question (so you understand why you’re asking...and can dig further if needed)
  • Targeted questions that access the client’s “before & afters” (so you get a clear understanding of the “solution” in voice-of-customer)
  • On-the-money questions that get you hard numbers (so you get impressive, believable social proof)
  • Specific questions that glean insight into what clients want and don’t want (so you know exactly how to direct your copy)
  • A copy-paste version that’s easy to, well, copy-and-paste (so you don’t waste a minute on technical stuff)
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“Confident I’m going to strike gold”

Good research plays a major role in the success of a creative project. With this template, I can go into an interview confident that at some point during the next 45 minutes, I'm going to strike gold.

Danny Louis, NPO Copywriter

Heads up:

In our world, fluff is for pillows, not products

As a busy mom of 5 Energizer Bunnies kids, I know the frustration of: 
  • sitting through a 3-hour (rambling) video course…and coming out with a half-hour’s worth (!) of insight 😣 
  • reading a 437-page book that could have been a blog post 🙄
  • buying a digital product only to discover that it’s 60% bloat, and never even using it once 🙈

That's why I’ve cut all fluff from my products.

Time invested
Our products are designed for busy people.

So you get the maximum amount of practical takeaways with the least amount of time and effort.

My trainings are not the kind you can watch on 2X — while scrolling LinkedIn — and still not miss a thing. 😏

We get feedback that copywriters & freelancers use our products regularly, and find them helpful every time a project comes up. 

Sounds like we’re doing something right 😉

Questions? Ideas? Quesadillas?

We’d love to hear from you. 😊