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The Homepage Masterclass

If you…

  • find homepages daunting and overwhelming
  • stare at a blank doc for WAY too long
  • struggle to get started — because with so many offers and avatars, there's no clear focus…

This is a proven roadmap that will help.

What it is:

A 46-minute masterclass video covering the fundamentals of every homepage section — to serve as the foundation of any homepage copywriting you’ll ever do.

Walk away with: 

  • The 5 essential building blocks of a homepage
  • The 9 questions your reader is asking (and why you need to know them)
  • What eyebrow copy is — and how to use it
  • The value of a hierarchical conversation (and what that even means)
  • The 6 most common homepage sections — and when to use each
  • The ideal — and most intuitive — wireframe structure (for every homepage section)
  • When to go short — or long — in each section
  • When to skip the Pain section entirely

And more. 

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“Helped fill a lot of gaps”

I found the content invaluable and I really appreciate it. I’ve been teaching myself copywriting and web design, and this has helped fill a lot of gaps by giving some structure and the framework of a model to use. Very clear, articulate, and well presented!

Top takeaway — an overall understanding of a hierarchical structure to use to create outlines for pages / ad copy.

— Kendall Morrison, Copywriter

If you…

  • find homepages daunting and overwhelming
  • stare at a blank doc for WAY too long
  • struggle to get started — because with so many offers and avatars, there's no clear focus…

This is a proven roadmap that will help.

What it is:

A 46-minute masterclass video covering the fundamentals of every homepage section — to serve as the foundation of any homepage copywriting you’ll ever do.

Walk away with: 

  • The 5 essential building blocks of a homepage
  • The 9 questions your reader is asking (and why you need to know them)
  • What eyebrow copy is — and how to use it
  • The value of a hierarchical conversation (and what that even means)
  • The 6 most common homepage sections — and when to use each
  • The ideal — and most intuitive — wireframe structure (for every homepage section)
  • When to go short — or long — in each section
  • When to skip the Pain section entirely

And more. 

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“Helped fill a lot of gaps”

I found the content invaluable and I really appreciate it. I’ve been teaching myself copywriting and web design, and this has helped fill a lot of gaps by giving some structure and the framework of a model to use. Very clear, articulate, and well presented!

Top takeaway — an overall understanding of a hierarchical structure to use to create outlines for pages / ad copy.

— Kendall Morrison, Copywriter

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Ready to tackle the foundations of web copy?
Looking for guidance on how to structure and write a website without losing your mind?

Web Copy 101 Course

What it is:

A comprehensive 2-part course that covers everything you need to know about structuring and writing website copy. 

Lifetime access to the recordings, slide decks, 2 cheatsheets, and 4 templates.

Includes 2 video trainings:

The Ultimate Homepage Masterclass (46 mins):

  • The 5 essential building blocks of a homepage
  • The 9 questions your reader is asking (and why you need to know them)
  • What eyebrow copy is — and how to use it
  • The value of a hierarchical conversation (and what that even means)
  • The 6 most common homepage sections — and when to use each
  • The ideal — and most intuitive — wireframe structure (for every homepage section)
  • When to go short — or long — in each section
  • When to skip the Pain section entirely

The Ultimate Guide to Site Architecture and Inner Web Pages:
About, Team, and Services Pages
(1.23 hours)

  • About, Team, & Service pages — core structure and strategies to make them compelling 
  • The 3 key questions that will stimulate your visual thinking 
  • The quick-and-clean guide to website grammar etiquette
  • 27 Michal-approved examples of About pages, Services pages, Team pages, copy-complementing visuals, and more 

Plus 7 bonuses!

  • SaaS site map template
  • Service provider site map template
  • About, Team, & Service page templates
  • Homepage cheatsheet summarizing everything you need to keep in mind when structuring homepages
  • Web copy cheatsheet summarizing all key points to remember for writing inner pages
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“Gave me the direction I needed”

Michal, you are officially my knight in shining armor. I had 3 service pages that were TORTURING me. Your template + masterclass gave me the direction I needed to finally finish them up."

Eliana Cline, B2B Copywriter

If you've freelanced for more than 3.5 days, you know that writing client emails is HARD. Chances are that at *least* once a week you wonder:

"How do I write THIS email??"

You want to sound professional. But also warm. But also maintain boundaries. But also show flexibility. But also get paid. 

If you're nodding right now...THIS MASTERCLASS IS FOR YOU

The Client Emails Masterclass

What it is:

A 27-minute JAM-PACKED video + 2-page cheatsheet outlining the email strategies you need to get favorable responses — even in the stickiest situations.

Walk away with: 

  • When (and why) you should avoid email altogether 
  • The hierarchy of 3 options to use when deciding on a response
  • The one cardinal rule that applies to *every* sticky client email
  • How to use the positivity sandwich method — without sounding patronizing 
  • 5 rules to crafting emails that make clients happy — not annoyed 
  • 4 common email errors that most freelancers make (and how to avoid them)
  • 4 follow-up techniques that minimize your chances of getting ghosted 
  • The 4-part follow-up escalation method (AKA the art of strategic follow-up)
  • 19 real-life examples (!) of client emails + smart responses (to look at for guidance)

PLUS the 2-page cheatsheet (so you can refresh your email skills FAST — without having to watch the video again. Because as much as you love my voice 😂, you also have a life.)

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“I loved the tips on defusing sticky situations with clients, especially the real-life examples”

The masterclass and the email templates are great. Your classes are always clear, concrete and to the point! I loved the tips on defusing sticky situations with clients, especially with real-life examples in the masterclass. The template that’ll come in most handy is the scope creep email.

Suzanna, Conversion Copywriter

Heads up:

In our world, fluff is for pillows, not products

As a busy mom of 5 Energizer Bunnies kids, I know the frustration of: 
  • sitting through a 3-hour (rambling) video course…and coming out with a half-hour’s worth (!) of insight 😣 
  • reading a 437-page book that could have been a blog post 🙄
  • buying a digital product only to discover that it’s 60% bloat, and never even using it once 🙈

That's why I’ve cut all fluff from my products.

Time invested
Our products are designed for busy people.

So you get the maximum amount of practical takeaways with the least amount of time and effort.

My trainings are not the kind you can watch on 2X — while scrolling LinkedIn — and still not miss a thing. 😏

We get feedback that copywriters & freelancers use our products regularly, and find them helpful every time a project comes up. 

Sounds like we’re doing something right 😉

Questions? Ideas? Quesadillas?

We’d love to hear from you. 😊