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Succinct, SaaS-friendly homepage
Messaging Strategy

Who is



This seasoned California tech team — small in size but loaded with decades of expertise in hiring & managing developers — created a game-changing tool that enables founders to answer: am I getting my money’s worth out of my developer team? 

Hunker uses carefully chosen metrics that are scientifically linked to performance to give founders complete clarity around their team: 

  • Which developers offer the best value? 
  • Where are the bottlenecks happening?
  • How can we improve performance — and maximize the dollar investment?

Why they came

No strangers to launching new products, Hunker’s founders knew they needed a strong website. They wanted messaging that clearly communicated all the benefits of this performance metrics tool — and made a compelling case for its use. 

The challenge: Hunker is a complex product. And its category is relatively new. The homepage had to clearly explain what it does — and why founders need it — without making people read a lot (or get a headache). 

Why they left happy

Our mission was clear: write a homepage that says a LOT, very clearly, in as few words as possible. NBD, right? 😅

We led with the first thing founders need to know about Hunker: it’s based on data — and science.
Unlike other tools out there, the stuff it measures actually means something.

The sum-up

Founders want transparency and ROI from their software engineers.
We were excited to create a homepage that underscores the value Hunker brings to leaders managing dev teams.

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This nice!

I want this kinda copy too

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