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Technical case studies made easy
Landing Pages
Brand Positioning

"Michal kept guiding us back to focus and simplify, which was really valuable"

As an early-stage software company in the middle of repositioning our product, we wanted to have an independent 3rd party expert help us with messaging and copywriting on our website. Fortunately for us, we found Michal!

During the discovery process, Michal challenged us and helped us narrow our positioning. We tended to try to message for multiple audiences at once and use too much industry jargon, but Michal kept guiding us back to focus and simplify, which was really valuable.

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Dan Quirk
Cofounder and Head of Marketing @ scaleMatters
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Who is



Business is good, but could it be better? That’s the question scaleMatters answers for businesses. 
Their revenue intelligence software helps B2B SaaS clients figure out where they’re losing customers — and how to stop the leaks.

The software analyzes the complete customer journey to identify bottlenecks and uncover wasted spend. Its easy-to-understand reports include recommendations and action items to improve revenue acquisition efficiency.

Why they came

This software is an investment — and no CEO would consider it without a clear understanding of ROI. 

That’s where case studies come in. Through storytelling *and* structure *and* strategic visuals, the case studies vividly illustrate how scaleMatters transforms a business. This helps prospects deeply understand its benefits, and how it might help their business too.

scaleMatters had generated positive change and lasting revenue impact in the companies that used them. They just needed a clean, at-a-glance page to highlight those stories, so their prospects could easily see the ROI.

Why they left happy

Case studies aren’t just about telling a good story. They’re about giving over a clear message vis-a-vis impact, painting a detailed before-and-after picture. 

So for each case study, we drew out the bottom-line winwhat significant, revenue-saving change did scaleMatters bring about for this company? 

A clear structure makes it easy to take in the “plotline” and understand the ROI fast — no excessive brain calories required.

SaaS businesses have zero time for flowery language or wordy megillahs.
We used crisp, succinct sentences — no lengthy paragraphs.

Can’t-miss visuals show readers the potential wasted spend, if they don’t use scaleMatters. 

The sum-up

It’s not enough to do great work. You have to know how to showcase it. 
We were honored to help scaleMatters highlight their impact — and rightfully toot their own horn. 🎺

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I want this kinda copy too

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