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Going big and bold
Full Website Copy
Landing Pages

“I want my team to be like her.”

She's not a copywriter — she's a transformation consultant. Michal’s holistic approach cancels out all the noise and creates cohesion to not only give you great copy, but to help you understand your own story.

She’s got more tools in her toolbox than anyone else I’ve worked with. And she’s got a process that works. I want my team to be like her.

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Joshua Lintz
Founder @ Talentcrowd

“She sees the whole picture”

Michal’s attention to detail allowed her to see beyond the surface-level of what we were saying. She asked pointed, on-target questions about the broader picture, looking at it through a marketing, sales, and design lens to get a holistic view and tell our story.

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Amanda Frye
CEO @ Talentcrowd

Who is



After 15+ years in development, serial entrepreneur Joshua Lintz was frustrated. Hiring and retaining strong developers — the ones who knew their stuff *and* could communicate well (in English!!) — was appallingly hard. It didn’t have to be this way, Joshua believed. And he had the intimate knowledge of developer-hiring to solve it.

Joshua enlisted fellow tech veteran and get-stuff-doner Amanda Frye to get his vision off the ground — and create an actually-useful developer hiring platform. 

The platform they built — Talentcrowd — combines: 

  • a powerful algorithmic search
  • human matchmaking & scrupulous vetting
  • a database of only outstanding North American developers…

…so founders can consistently find high-quality freelance developers with zero frustration. 

What’s more, thanks to their focus on community building and high professional standards, Talentcrowd is fast becoming a buzzing hub where skilled developers can share ideas and let down their hair. 

Why they came

Joshua and Amanda had a brash dream: they wanted to bulldoze the old way of hiring developers and build it from scratch. Their all-new platform needed a website equally big and bold. You *can* work with awesome people and get awesome results, Joshua and Amanda believed — even in this traditionally buttoned-up industry. 

The site needed to call out to their “people”: founders who prize quality people above all — and quality developers who prize founders that appreciate them. 

But they couldn’t sacrifice clarity and authority for the sake of personality. Their copy needed to convey their expertise in evaluating project needs and developer skill, while paying homage to their passion (and coolness).

Why they left happy

Excited by this challenge, we unshackled restraint and brought to life a website that positioned Talentcrowd as a fierce-yet-friendly industry giant: the kind you want to invite over for beers.

Ever-talented designer Laura Dunn translated our wireframe with playfulness and color (and more than a little chutzpah). 

Though Joshua and Amanda had initially signed up for a single One-Day Intensive (ODI) package — to write just the homepage — it quickly snowballed into a series of ODIs over 9 months (for additional pages), once they saw the copy.

The sum-up

An awesome, one-of-a-kind platform with an awesome, one-of-a-kind website, Talentcrowd is the kind of project that makes us proud and honored to say: “We had a part in that!”

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This nice!

I want this kinda copy too

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